The factors cause ancient people tall and long-lived

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

Why the ancient people tall and long-lived ?

From the observation, I see and believe that the ancient people are more superior and greater than the people today, especially in their physical body. Which they have a stronger and higher body, and their age are also longer than the age of the people today. I also believe that they have a higher IQ than the IQ of people today. Because their bodies are greater and stronger so they must have the form of the brain is also greater. Like a wise man said "a good brain is in a good body"

So if it is true they have a superior IQ, but why we are rather more advanced than them?
The answer, it's because of the serial connection between the past and the present full-complement each other and interdependence, can not stand on its own. In other words, the people today would never have developed without the discoveries and research of those previous. Even, if the people today born and raised in a remote forest, never known and felt the nature of modern life, surely they also do not know what technology. Let alone to use it.

Why the people today are not same with the people formerly, tall and live longer?
In this case I see three factors:
1 – Factor of God the Creator
That's the way God made Adam the first human with a tall, big and long-lived. And later leaved to the human itself to select and determine their lifestyle, in what nature and climate they want to life? Which, from year to year until now the human bodies become more and more continues to shrink. That is the risk for choosing natural and environmental climate like today which filled with technological advances, high technology produces a variety of wastes and chemicals that make this earth more quickly grow old, so that, everything came out from the bowels of the earth continues to shrink

2 - Factor Earth increasingly aging (turning old)
One of the causes of those ancients more benefits than the people today is because they live in the conditions of the earth was still relatively young.

Why do I say the Earth was young? Because the earth also created from the soil element, where everything is coming from the soil will have to age, like a human and animals and plants are also created from the soil. Unlike the creatures created by God from the fire and light like a jinn and angels, which they do not have the property and character getting older, so they can live in the world until the end of day.
So also this earth, where if he is more-longer inhabited by humans, will increasingly more lose of fertility and protein contained in the earth. Plus the pollution and contamination made of the human activity itself. Thus, increasingly older age of this earth, continue to shrink all the physical form of humans who were born and also reduced its quality.

3 - Natural and environmental factors.
In today's natural environment which is too modern, highly sophisticated technology as well as all the facilities adequate, even more than enough, has formed people today be a human who was small, weak and spoiled and not immune from bacteria and germs.

In contrast with natural conditions as those ancient people lived which is still very wild, hard and difficult, has made those ancient people more superior than people of today. And as such conditions also makes them have perfect immunity, and make a longer life.

From such natural factors, cause arise the other factors that also have a major role in maintaining the physical form of the ancients, so they could remain their bodies bigger, tall and long-lived for several generations. These factors are:

A- Work hard.
Every day from our body there are thousands and thousands of dead cells. In order for the new cells grow to replace cells that have died, we must continue to actively move and work hard. With the working a man can sweat and occur the burning of calories in the body. If we are not moving the cells will continue to die without any change to the new cells. That's a factor makes the people grow old fast and short-lived.
So do our brains. If we continue to use it, learn and think, then we will not quickly become senile. Look at the scientists and scholars, even though they are old and head bald, but they are not senile. That's because of the turnover process of dead cells with new cells in their brains is continued.

The ancients people living in the wild and hard by taking all the high risk, faced by wild animals. They do not have any facilities, as there is on us now. They do not know the vehicles and firearms. They only walk taking thousands of miles. They do not know the machine. Everything was done by hand. Live like that have shaped their bodies become muscular, sinewy and strong, such as the mighty athletes. It is not strange if their bodies survive in the original condition big and tall. And they can also live a long life. Because the process of burning calories and turnover dead cells with new cells in their bodies are never stopped.

B- Activating Antibodies function.
To survive in the rocky wilderness in the rain and heat with food and drinks that are not sterile, besides they are also every day must wrestle with all kinds of germs and bacteria with no health facilities such as hospitals, doctors and medicine drugs. They must have the perfects antibodies, which is not recognized has flourished and developed in their bodies making them immune from all disease. Even antibodies in their bodies are also able to replace the function of drugs such as the existing drugs.
The question is, is it true antibodies in the human body can take over the function of drugs made by human hands? To answer it we must know what is it antibody.

What is Antibody?
Antibody is cells produced by the human body which composed of a protein to fight foreign cells like bacteria and germs which enters to the body. In order for our body cells actively produce anti-disease, or antibodies, we have introduced the disease cells such as bacteria, germs by putting it into the body, so when the body detects foreign cells, immediately produce antibodies. We also often see, when humans are not able to create a drug for a disease, they enter cells or bacterial disease with low levels, into the human body, And the human body will create resistance by creating cells anti-disease. This process is known as immunization. And anti-disease cells produced by the body, known as the antitoxin or antibody.

In other words, in our body is a drug factory, working to produce medicines for all types of diseases, which entered into the body. The manufacturer in our bodies is very sophisticated, more powerful than the manufacturer which is made by human. Even our bodies capable to produce all types of anti-disease which humans can not produce it. But our bodies produce only cells of antibodies against diseases had just entered the body. That is why we need to introduce our bodies with a variety of diseases, so that we can be immune from any kind of disease.

Ancient times, people who are not much familiar with the drug or medications. Certainly they more resigned and accept all forms of disease. They can only hope and wait healing comes naturally. That is the healing of the body's resistance, or the process of antibody resistance to disease.

The attitude like that makes them immune from all disease. Instead the people today who have been accustomed to consuming drugs has made the immunity on their bodies does not work, so that they become vulnerable to disease.

It is not strange if we often see people who live on the streets or in a place full of waste, food and drink are not sterile but it turns they are always in good health. Apparently they are more immune from the disease than people who live in clean house eating and drinking sterile but once they are exposed to germs, bacteria or the rain they immediately fell ill.

C- Eat fresh and a naturally foods.
What is fresh and a natural food?
Natural fresh food is the food really still the original from its nature has not experienced any process from humans. The ancient people could have a perfect physical because in addition to their work hard they also eat fresh natural food, which they get from their original nature. Instead we are who living in modern times very difficult to get original food from its nature, Even if there would be very expensive price.
External natural vegetation is plants live and grow naturally, not caused by the process or coercion from human, such as short-lived rice that harvested a year three times. And the natural meat is also not derived from animals have been processed into big fast, like chicken was only three or four months, and others.

Is it possible if we live like the live of ancient people can make our bodies like their bodies???

For exactly the same tall and big like them that is impossible. For the first, we can not make this earth has grown old and already contaminated by a variety of waste and chemicals can be young again. Second, today there is no more seed or superior sperm as sperm seeds owned by the ancients

Now we can only follow their ways of life, such as by living in the woods, work hard, consume the fresh and nature foods, we do not often get used to consume drugs. But it could only prolong our life, can not change our bodies to be exactly same like their high body and big.

One time I've seen on ANTV, approximately one-half years ago. Which was the TV broadcast of a woman in eastern Java, I forgot the name of the town, which can be aged up to two hundred and twenty-five years old. When asked what do you eat that can make a long life? The answer, I ate the same as what is eaten by others, such as vegetables, tofu. It's just I never stopped working hard, like farming and I am also a massage therapist. That's the secret.

Approximately 6 months ago, I also see on the TV. Preach a man who came from Java and lived in Jambi, which has been 190 years old. He looked in good shape, he likes to bike around with a bicycle. He never stops smoking cigarettes. Every morning before walking out, he saluted the flag, which is installed in front of his house. The answer is also same when asked, that he did not stop working hard.
